Inventory of a 1,200 hectare estate for Domanoy

The real estate company Domanoy manages an estate of over 1,200 hectares in Walloon Brabant. Not only is the estate very varied – forest, parks, castle, agriculture, hunting, etc. – but its management requires the permanent presence of various people: a forest ranger, an internal and external team for maintenance, a manager, a forestry and agricultural expert.

The needs of Domanoy

The solutions provided by Oxygis

Draw up a complete inventory of the estate, available to all

Thanks to the Oxygis import module, the Domanoy managers were able to import all of the estate’s cadastral parcels, in order to have an exhaustive view.
They were also able to digitise all the forest stands and their useful characteristics (dominant species, origin, year of plantation, stand typology, etc.), the agricultural plots, the various infrastructures for hunting, the buildings, roads and paths, the signage….
This digitised heritage is now accessible to all stakeholders. They can access it from the office or directly in the field, via the mobile application, even if there is a lack of network coverage.

Simplify claims

The Domanoy real estate company lists trees of biological interest, dead trees or any other general measure useful for Natura 2000 compensation claims. This inventory can be carried out directly in the field, using the mobile application.

Territory maintenance and asset inventory software for the real estate company Domanoy

Mix different map backgrounds

Whether it be hunting facilities, agricultural plots or roads, everything could be easily digitised and described in the software, using different map backgrounds offered by Oxygis: IGN map, Natura 2000 network, Ortho satellite view, Ferraris map…

Coordinate the work of field operations teams

Oxygis allows Domanoy to enter all of the work to be carried out by the field operations teams on the various plots of land previously entered: clear-cutting, thinning, transport, planting, various forestry work, work useful for hunting, etc.
With the decision aids offered by Oxygis, managers can easily plan this work, allocate it to the various field teams (internal or external), and monitor it.

Facilitate the work of field operations teams

From their mobile application, field operations teams can access all the information they need to carry out their work: location of the intervention, instructions, photos, PDF documents, etc.
They can also, if necessary, report any information of interest to their managers: conclusions, comments, photos, hours worked, etc.

Logiciel de maintenance et d'inventaire de domaine pour la société immobilière Domanoy

"Oxygis allows us to centralise our knowledge, to communicate efficiently with our field teams and to follow the activity of the domain."

Dominique Duchêne

Forestry Expert – Domanoy

Oxygis helps you manage your natural areas!

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